Lincoln, NE Chapter – Catholic Schoolhouse

Scope and Sequence

Tour Guide Scope and Sequence for Grammar Students

Grammar students are guided through sequential topics, rotating over a three-year cycle. In a Catholic Schoolhouse Community, elementary tutors use varied techniques to introduce the children to the weekly topics from the Tour Guide.  Chorus and a Semester Showcase are included as well.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Religion(Catechism) Psalm 23, Our Relationship with God and Prayer, the Church, Mary (poetry and the Magnificat) Mass and the Eucharist (catechism and poetry), The Sacraments  The Ten Commandments, Works of Mercy and virtues, Mary (poetry and the Rosary)
History U.S History Creation to 1500 1500 to Present Day
Geography Basics review, North America, United States and Capitals Basics review, Europe, Asia Basics review & Central America, South America, Africa, Antarctica
Science Zoology, Weather, Anatomy, Electricity & Magnetism Botany, Chemistry, Space, Sound & Light Ecology, Geology, Physics, Nutrition & Health
Classical Languages Prayers (Prima Latina) Conjugations & Declensions(Latina Christiana) Greek & Latin Vocabulary(English from the Roots Up)
Music Bach, Beethoven, Sousa, Joplin Music  Theory(Recorder), The Orchestra Handel, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Strauss
Art American Art Ancient – Middle Age Art Renaissance – Modern Art
Math* skip counting, geometry-rectangles, properties, length conversions skip counting; geometry-circles; metric conversions, Roman numerals, squares & primes, time & money Skip counting, geometry-triangles, statistics, capacity conversions
Language Arts* parts of speech, sentence structure, word usage, composition terms parts of speech, sentence structure, word usage, composition terms parts of speech, sentence structure, word usage, compositions terms